Code: L-5
It is a family house using as a summer house in Maamora.
I need to get use of the roof to be as a garden where the family member can gather to have dinner.
Can we built Pergola.
Idea of implantation of the roof needs special preparations as isolation etc.
We can have a middle ground to cultivate roofs without a need to have preparations.
We need to make pergolas suitable to the general design of the garden.
1 - Design Tip
Idea to designing the building is based on lines of 45 degree and orient the movement in dynamic way.
As from the entrance represented in the frequent staircase faced with interlaced pergolas. .
Fountain should be surrounded by plants ponds to decrease thermal emission of the ceiling.
The façade should be surrounded by a fence of rose pond in forming a triangle suitable to the remaining garden formations.
2 - Technical Tip
The plant ponds should be implanted with potters suitable to formations determined in the design.
We shall make ponds in the same size and shape in PVC to prevent leakage on the roof group.
We can make a fountain by placing a motor and basin for the foundation. The water shall stream in and out together with a disposal and feeding unit taking in consideration that a plumbing works should be carried out.
3 - Coloring Tip
Front rose ponds should be suitable for the facade colors. If the beige color is filling all over the facade, we have to use yellow roses.
The base of the fountain should be suitable and the plants ponds should suit the ground color and the floor color either it was covered with ceramics, tiles or even marble.
4 - Shopping Tip
We have make potter shapes to manufacture formation in suitable sizes and shapes.
There are PVC Ponds products which can be used for our designs.